Monthly Archives: May 2021

5 Ways to Feel Body Confident

As we emerge from lockdown and reach the long-awaited summer months, we rejoice in the thought of being able to dust off our summer wardrobe, get on a plane (hopefully!)  and cover ourselves in SPF. However, after over a year of no holidays and a very long winter, it’s likely that we all need to up our skincare game when it comes to our bodies.

According to market researcher NPD Group, during the pandemic body serum sales grew by 32%, and body exfoliator sales grew by 15%, suggesting that lockdown has allowed us to spend more time on our self-care regimes to include the body – meaning our overall skin health is going in the right direction.

However, despite the increased time we seem to be spending on self-care and body care regimes, it has been reported that over half of adults in the UK feel worse about their body image after lockdown. In this blog post we look at some key tips for you to feel summer ready with your body care and overall skin health to allow you to be body confident and feel empowered to take action to do what makes you feel comfortable, confident and healthy in your own skin.


5 Ways to Feel Body Confident this Summer

1. Exfoliate

Whether it’s to prep for your glowing fake tan or to get silky smooth skin, this should form the first stage of your body care routine.




2. Banish the Orange Peel

80% of women in the UK develop cellulite during their lives. Although it’s very common and natural, many women – and men! – choose to look for solutions to reduce its appearance. The best starting point for this is to invest in an anti-cellulite cream with clinically proven ingredients so that you know it can provide real results. Gone are the days of anti-cellulite creams only containing caffeine to stimulate the skin, more sophisticated body claims are increasing in the market so make sure that you do your research to choose one that you feel confident is going to provide true results.

The alternative for faster, more enhanced results, is to opt for one of the many popular non-invasive professional treatments available at aesthetic clinics around the country. The Endor Technologies Celltense Treatment is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite with no pain, no downtime and fantastic results.




Interested in a treatment consultation? Head to our clinic finder page to find your nearest clinic.


3. Enhance Your Workouts

Not only does exercise help your physical and mental health, it also helps increase the flow of oxygenated blood around your body – giving you that perfect after work-out skin glow. Add the Endor Technologies Firming and Body Shaping Cream to your daily body care routine to help boost your work-outs and help get rid of difficult pockets of fat.


4. Don’t forget the SPF!

A sunscreen product with UVA filters and an SPF of at least 25 should be used (we would recommend an SPF of 50). You should apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you go out, and make sure to reapply it regularly throughout the day. Use 1 teaspoon full of product for the face and neck, 2 teaspoons to cover your face, arms and neck, and 2 tablespoons if you’re covering your entire body while wearing a swimming costume (NHS guidance).


5. Embrace your body

Finally, the most important one – embrace your body! No matter what shape or size you are, be proud of your beautiful, healthy skin and do everything that you can to make sure that it stays in the best condition possible continuing to include your body in your daily skincare routines.

A Holistic Guide to Improving Liver Health

Explaining to your clients why supporting their liver health is so important can be lengthy. In short, you can highlight how the liver is responsible for billions of vital enzymatic functions and biological processes occurring every second of every day, impacting how your clients look, feel, function and age.

But a key component is fat. To be precise hepatic fat. Too much of this and those billions of cellular processes that occur simultaneously which rely on the liver are thrown off balance – and one thing we know about the body is it likes to be balanced (A.K.A homeostasis).

The NHS refers to a high content of hepatic fat within the liver as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and suggests it’s affecting every 1 in 3 people in the UK.

This predominantly effects anyone who experiences high cholesterol or a metabolic syndrome, for example, T2D or diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity, but is not limited to these factors. However, since hepatic fat lurks in the liver it is technically an invisible fat that affects people of all shapes and sizes, meaning it is not just associated with a high BMI or waist to hip ratio. Event athletes must be cautious of a high hepatic fat content. Common signs of an unhealthy liver are fatigue, headaches, allergies, bad breath, skin problems, low mood and weight gain.

This article is a reminder to all health professionals on liver function, which compounds are good and which are bad and how through precision nutrition and lifestyle tips you can support your clients taking the elénzia holistic approach to improve liver function.

Why is the liver so important?

The liver is one of the largest and most important organs in the body. A few of its main functions are:

  1. Metabolic — glucose homeostasis
  2. Synthetic — interconversion of nutrients, binding protein for iron, copper and vitamins
  3. Storage — of vitamins and minerals, glycogen, and lipids
  4. Catabolic — detoxification, phagocytosis [bacterial metabolism], hormones, synthesis of blood components
  5. Excretory — bile production


Its main role – DETOXIFICATION

A key role of the liver is detoxification. Substances ingested or produced by the body (a by-product of metabolism) will eventually get filtered through the liver in two phases:

Phase I

The first phase is where the body draws in stored fat-soluble toxins from the body’s tissues. These toxins enter the body (via food, mouth, nose or skin) and if allowed to pass the barrier of the intestine make their way into the bloodstream. They are the last thing you would ever want to float around in the cardiovascular system and therefore they are stored away in fat, nerves, brain, and kidney tissues until they can be properly and safely disposed of.

Phase II

Phase II is where the body takes these toxins and prepares them for their exit; a water molecule is added to each fat-soluble chemical allowing them to depart the body safely.

What gets detoxified?

Phase I

Phase I detoxifies drugs such as: codeine, warfarin, prednisone, steroids and alcohol. For these toxins to be cleared out certain nutrients are required – for example, copper, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, molybdenum, antioxidants and bioflavonoids. Further, the phase I process is activated or inhibited by certain foods, compounds or substances and these need to be balanced.

Foods and other things that turn on Phase I (Activators)

Broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, caraway, dill seeds, oranges, tangerines, vitamin B1, niacin, vitamin C, charbroiled meats, alcohol, nicotine, some drugs, chemicals, dioxin, pesticides.

Foods and other things that turn off Phase I (Inhibitors)

Drugs including antihistamines, stomach acid blockers, ketoconazole, naringenin (from grapefruit juice), turmeric, green tea, red chilli pepper, clove oil, onions (quercetin), calendula, milk thistle, ageing, hypothyroidism, toxins from inappropriate intestinal bacteria.

The liver must function in a balance. If Phase I is functioning either too quickly or too slowly its detox potential will not be there and instead of filtering chemicals out of the body they will be absorbed back into the body’s cells. To help your clients assess if Phase I is functioning optimally you can recommend they try a caffeine clearance test.

Phase II

Phase II is the second part of liver detoxification. This is where the liver detoxifies drugs such as: paracetamol, nicotine, caffeine, pesticides, epoxides, aspirin and benzoates. Again, for these toxins to be cleared out certain nutrients are required – for example, glutathione, vitamin B6, glycine, SAMe, methyl groups, molybdenum, cysteine and acetyl CoA etc. Further, the Phase II process is activated or inhibited by certain foods, compounds or substances and these need to be balanced.

Foods and other things that turn on Phase II (Activators)

Brassica family foods, limonene (found in the peel of citrus fruits, as well as herbs dill and caraway), glycine, methyl donators, taurine and fish oils, birth control pill and some drugs.

Foods and other things that turn off Phase II (Inhibitors)

A deficiency of glutathione, folic acid, Vitamin B1, B2, B5 and B12, selenium or zinc. A diet low in protein.

The liver will do its best to break down toxic substances into less toxic forms that can be easily eliminated from the body. However, if one of the phases of detoxification is working either too quickly or too slowly due to deficiencies in nutrients, an imbalanced diet or a high intake of medication, many of the toxins that enter the body will not be cleared out properly and those that cannot be eliminated will be stored in the liver and in other tissues throughout the body.

Phase I and II combined

If Phase I is moving too quickly and Phase II is working too slowly, it will not be able to keep up with the demand of Phase I and some toxins may be let into the body, the same can occur if Phase II is working faster than Phase I, as it may not process chemicals as effectively. Again, you can recommend clients try a caffeine clearance test to assess how well their liver is functioning across both phases.

How to improve liver function

It is said that life depends upon the liver! The liver does many functions like storing nutrients, cleansing the blood, and managing the cholesterol. However, as mentioned the one thing that slows this all down is its fat content. Too high and those all-important Phases I and II are thrown off track. This makes it very important for the overall health of the body.

Fortunately, there are some foods and nutritional compounds that can a) help you keep the fat content low and b) support Phases I and II. For example, highly potent nutritional compounds such as astaxanthin have been shown to target, repair and prevent tissue damage which will assist the liver in detoxification.  Other foods that have ample amounts of magnesium, folate, iron, flavonoids and vitamins reduce the risk of deficiency in the essential nutrients required for the indirect processes supporting enzymatic detoxification processes. Further, some botanical compounds such as thymoquinone – the potent active compound found in black seed oil – can help to convert hepatic fat cells to be utilised as energy.

Naturally, the combination of all these components makes up the perfect recipe to support liver detoxification process which in turn supports overall health.

How to ensure your clients follow the perfect liver health recipe

Below we list some of the recommendations you can offer clients whose liver need some TLC.

Healthy habits for a healthy liver:

  • Chew your food properly and don’t just swallow it
  • Do not have food that does not go well with your liver
  • Cut down on coffee and tea intake
  • Try to drink an adequate amount of water
  • Avoid using antibiotics and antacids as far as possible
  • Cut down on the sugar and salt intake to keep your body healthy
  • Go slow on alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Take up some form of exercise like yoga. Certain twist positions in yoga are designed purely to enhance blood flow to and from the liver improving its function.
  • Ensure adequate good quality sleep. The liver works the hardest between 11pm and 3am. Therefore, it is best to supplement for your liver immediately after an evening meal which ideally should be no later than 6pm.
  • Reduce stress and cortisol levels. Stressors vary from person to person but stress effects the liver all the same. Therefore, reducing stress is key to improving liver health so advising people to try meditation, or breathing exercises is always a good start and removing what triggers stress away from their daily life. Trying apps such as Calm or Waking Up is always a good start.

Supplementing botanicals to support a healthy liver which are hard to source through diet alone: 

  • Try a daily dose of milk thistle, echinacea or dandelion root. All these supplements are said to help clean the blood.



List of foods to incorporate in diet plans for your clients:

Cruciferous vegetables

Some common cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage etc. They are strong detoxifiers of our liver as they contain certain chemicals which neutralize toxins. They also help in the production of enzymes needed for detoxification.


Beetroot should be included in the diet for a healthy liver. It contains blood-purifying properties to clean the blood and absorb any heavy metals.

Onions and garlic

Garlic has allicin which is needed for detoxification by the liver. It helps the liver to get rid of the mercury, oestrogen and food additives. Onions and garlic are also very good at supporting the liver around the menstrual cycle.


Apple has pectin which binds itself to the heavy metals and helps in their excretion. This reduces the burden on the liver.

Lemon juice in hot water

Lemon juice provides a large quantity of vitamin C and influences the production of bile. By increasing the bile flow the liver becomes more effective in cleansing the blood and removing unwanted substances.


Artichoke also increases the bile production. Bile removes the toxins and harmful micro-organisms from the body through healthy bowel movement.

Fruits with high anti-oxidants

Like astaxanthin, anti-oxidants from fruits protect the liver from the free radicals which are produced during the detoxification. These free radicals are harmful to the body. Some suggested fruits are prunes, blueberries, plums, oranges, pears, cantaloupes etc.

Bitter salad greens

The bitterness present in the leafy greens helps in the stimulation of bile in the liver. Some bitter salad greens are chicory, dandelion, endive etc. All the above-given foods should be a part of a diet for a healthy liver.


For more information on helping your client’s liver health, one to one product training or client case study training, feel free to get in touch at



  1. Marieb, E.N. (2012). Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (10th ed). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education, Inc.
  2. Regan, J., Russo, A., Seeley, R., & Van Putte, C. (2011). Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology (9th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.
  3. Demeda, P. (2014). Lecture on Clinical Detoxification. Personal Collection of P. Demeda, Institute of Holistic Nutrition, Mississauga Ontario.
  4. Holford, P. (2004). The Optimal Nutrition Bible. London: Piatkus.


5 Ways to Prevent Sun Damage

In light of last week being Sun Awareness Week – a national campaign run by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) to increase awareness of the harmful effects of sun exposure on the skin – our Strategic Insights Experts (and member of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists), Daniel Whitby, takes a deep dive into how the sun affects our skin, how we can prevent sun induced damage, and 5 key ways to enjoy the sun safely – including a sneak peek at an upcoming new product launch!


How and why does the sun damage the skin?

Sunlight is composed of ultraviolet, visible and infra-red light. Of most concern in terms of the skin is the ultraviolet light which is composed of UVA and UVB rays.

UVB rays are associated with the SPF value we see on a bottle of sun cream, these are the rays which will result in tanning but also sunburn if we do not protect our skin effectively.

UVA rays are associated with accelerated ageing of the skin including lack of firmness and elasticity, fine lines and wrinkles. To fully understand the effects of sunlight on skin we need to consider the composition of the skin.

The upper layer of the skin, the epidermis, is where cells called keratinocytes are produced. These cells move upwards until they eventually reach the surface of the skin where they form the skin’s outer barrier or stratum corneum. The epidermis also contains melanocytes, specialised cells which release the pigment melanin when exposed to UVB rays – this is why we tan when we have been out in the sun. The primary function of the epidermis is to act as a barrier, keeping moisture in and the external environment out.

Underneath the epidermis is the dermis which forms the inner layer of the skin and is much thicker than the epidermis. The primary role of the dermis is to support the epidermis and provide firmness and elasticity to the skin. The fibroblast is the major cell type of the dermis and its main function is to synthesise collagen, elastin and the viscous gel within the dermis (it is this gel which contains, amongst other things, hyaluronic acid).

Collagen – which gives the skin its toughness and strength – makes up 70% of the dermis and is continually broken down and replaced whilst elastin fibres give the skin its elasticity.

UVB rays can only penetrate into the epidermis but UVA rays can penetrate deep into the dermis where they impair fibroblast function and cause the breakdown of collagen and elastin. This results in a poorly formed dermis which can no longer support the epidermis properly leading to saggy skin with fine lines and wrinkles, a phenomenon known as photoageing.

UVA is also responsible for the generation of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which result in oxidative damage to the proteins and lipids in the skin through the production of free radicals (highly reactive molecules linked to ageing). This damage can be countered by using skincare products which contain anti-oxidants combined with anti-oxidant supplements.

It is estimated that long term exposure to the UVA light from the sun results in between 80 to 90% of visible skin ageing, so it is important to protect the skin from UVA rays to prevent premature ageing and also UVB rays to prevent burning. Sun protection products containing filters which absorb UVA and UVB rays are termed broad spectrum products.

How can sun damage be prevented?

To combat the effects of photoageing moisturisers which offer broad spectrum protection and contain UVA filters and an SPF of at least 25 should be used daily to protect the skin and the components of the dermis – for full protection a dedicated SPF 50 product is also advised to be used daily even in winter. Products which stimulate fibroblast activity through the use of innovative signalling technology, such as the nano gold technology in the Endor Technologies range, will ensure collagen and elastin levels are optimised.

Soon to be launched is elénzia Skin™, an exclusive, new nutritional supplement specifically formulated to protect and repair the skin from within.

The unique formulation bridges the gap between nutrition and topical skin care regimes by internally reducing the negative impact caused by external stressors such as UV rays and air pollution, which in turn reduces skin inflammation, photoageing, wrinkles, excessive dryness and skin dullness to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.

By combining new patented ingredients clinically trialled and shown to improve skin tone, increase collagen synthesis and reduce the skin’s signs of ageing, elénzia Skin™ feeds your skin to enhance its external glow.


5 ways to enjoy the sun safely, and get a healthy level of Vitamin D:

1. Understand your level of risk

Using the Fitzpatrick scale is a way of classifying your skin type according to the effect that ultraviolet radiation would have on your skin. You should take more care in the sun if you have one or more of the following: skin that burns easily, light or fair coloured skin, hair, or eyes, lots of moles or freckles, a history of sunburn or a personal or family history of skin cancer.

2. Use Sunscreen

A sunscreen product with UVA filters and an SPF of at least 25 should be used. You should apply sunscreen 30 minutes before you go out, and make sure to reapply it regularly throughout the day. Use 1 teaspoon full of product for the face and neck, 2 teaspoons to cover your face, arms and neck, and 2 tablespoons if you’re covering your entire body while wearing a swimming costume (NHS guidance).



3. Seek the Shade

Spend time in the shade or stay inside when the sun is strongest. In the UK, this is between 11am and 3pm from March to October.

4. Cover up with Clothing

Wear clothes and sunglasses that provide sun protection, such as: a wide-brimmed hat that shades the face, neck and ears, a long-sleeved top, trousers or long skirts in close-weave fabrics that do not allow sunlight through, and sunglasses with wraparound lenses or wide arms with the CE Mark and British Standard Mark 12312-1:2013 E.



5. Vitamin D Production

It is possible to make enough Vitamin D from being out in the sun for very short periods of time each day. A recent study showed that even with regular and appropriate application of sunscreen there was excellent synthesis of Vitamin D.


References : D’Orazio, John et al. “UV radiation and the skin.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 14,6 12222-48. 7 Jun. 2013, doi:10.3390/ijms140612222