Monthly Archives: May 2024

skin cancer awareness melanoma mole

Joining the Fight Against Melanoma

As we embrace the warmth of spring and eagerly anticipate the sun-kissed days of summer, it’s crucial to pause and reflect on the importance of protecting our skin. May marks Skin Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about the risks of melanoma and the steps we can take to prevent it.

In the wake of alarming statistics unveiled by the ‘2020 Melanoma Skin Cancer Report: Stemming The Global Epidemic,’ it’s clear that action is urgently needed. This report highlights three crucial battlegrounds in our fight against melanoma: enhancing public awareness of risk factors, reducing intentional tanning, and fostering regular skin self-examination.

What’s truly concerning is the disparity between knowledge and action revealed by third-party research. While a staggering 92% of people acknowledge the dangers of sun exposure, only 18% consistently protect their skin. Moreover, the allure of tanned skin remains strong, with 61% believing it to be attractive, despite the stark reality that melanoma poses.

At elénzia, co-founded by Elizabeth, a melanoma survivor who understands the gravity of this disease firsthand, we are committed to bridging this gap between knowledge and action. Elizabeth’s personal journey has inspired us to develop elénzia SKIN™ – a supplement that not only nurtures the skin from within but also shields it from external aggressors like free radicals and sun damage.

In partnership with skincare innovators Endor Technologies®, whose anti-ageing range stems from oncology research, we are proud to offer solutions beyond traditional skincare. Our collaboration fuses the power of nutrition and topical treatments, providing a holistic approach to skin health. Together, we aim to dismantle unhealthy beauty trends and replace them with a culture of sun-safe practices and self-care.

As we navigate through Skin Cancer Awareness Month and beyond, remember that our skin is more than just a canvas for beauty; it’s a vital organ deserving of our utmost care and protection. Join us in the fight against melanoma, because together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter, healthier future for all.

collagen banking

Collagen Banking – A New Phenomenon?

In the pursuit of ageless beauty, we’re continuously seeking innovative solutions to combat the signs of ageing. As science progresses, a new trend has emerged – collagen banking. This revolutionary approach targets mature skin, offering a proactive strategy to preserve youth and vitality. Today, we delve into the intricacies to explore its synergy with nutrition and skincare, and how it can redefine the ageing process.

Understanding Collagen Banking

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, is the cornerstone of youthful skin, providing structure, elasticity, and firmness. However, as we age, collagen production declines, leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, and dullness. Collagen banking, a concept gaining traction in the beauty industry, aims to preserve and augment collagen levels before visible signs of ageing emerge.

The Science

At its core, collagen banking operates on the principle of ‘saving up‘ collagen reserves during youth to delay the onset of age-related changes. This involves adopting a holistic approach that combines targeted nutrition and skincare practices to optimise collagen synthesis and minimise collagen degradation.

A well-balanced diet rich in collagen-boosting nutrients is paramount for collagen banking. Incorporating foods abundant in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits and bell peppers, aids in collagen synthesis by promoting the production of pro-collagen, the precursor to collagen. Additionally, collagen-rich sources like bone broth, fish, and leafy greens provide essential amino acids necessary for collagen production, while antioxidants combat oxidative stress, a major contributor to collagen breakdown.

Our elénzia SKIN™ supplement uses grapefruit and rosemary polyphenol extracts, clinically proven to help protect the skin’s internal layers through their ability to actively reduce the negative breakdown on the fatty acids within skin cells caused by the impact of UV radiation.

Complementing nutrition, a tailored skincare regimen is indispensable for collagen banking. The Endor Technologies® skincare range uses the power of Nano Gold Technology, a patented ingredient designed to target CD44 cell receptors to amplify the growth of essential components like hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin within the skin.

Moreover, this anti-ageing range includes sunscreens fortified with broad-spectrum protection, safeguarding collagen integrity against UV-induced damage to prevent collagen degradation and premature ageing.

Collagen Banking in Practice

As the beauty industry continues to evolve, collagen banking emerges as a game-changing trend for anyone seeking age-defying solutions. By harnessing the power of nutrition and skincare, you can embark on a journey towards timeless beauty, preserving collagen reserves and embracing the grace of ageing with confidence. Remember, the key to unlocking timeless beauty lies within – nourish your body, nurture your skin, and embrace the journey of ageing gracefully.